xox My Mates Yay!!! xox

Vic(the one on the floor) my best mate in the whole wide world! she's in hospital in ITU! so everyone who respects or knows her please take a minute to think bout her and pray she gets better soon!
Hannah my dudie. She's in my drama class and is a good friend and funny! Bt she was scarily good at playing a girl who bullied me in the first play we did! :S lol. luv ya hun.

RAch D (the one in the middle) Dis girl is totaly amazing and I know she is always here for me no matter what! She is there through thick and thin and i am always here for her to no matter what happens. What ever happens in our lives she will always be a great mate!! she asked me to add "Im a funny lovely person with a great sense of humour :P!" luv ya loads hun!

Rach D and her BF Matt. Everybody say awwwww!

Nikki my funky friend. She sent me good songs on the computer and she is also always here for me! She is a laugh to be with and always manages to cheer me up!

Sarah B my chicken. She hangs out at the feild so hopefully now it's summer i should be seeing more of her! i used to be in her maths class where we had loads of fun (maths and fun in the same sentace :o never thought it would happen!)but this year i got moved up! but i still love her to bits!

Bekka my drama friend. You can probably guess but this girl is in my drama class and she is kwl. She was in my last drama group and we were doing a crap play but cause her and hayley were in my group, it wasn't as boring! :) Luv ya hun!

Rach T an olda mate. We used to hang out loads in like year 8 and 9 but we don't as much now cause we all have different mates but when we do get together it can be very funny! lol. Luv ya.

Megan my cow loving buddie, brandy (she's mad) and lauren s! Megan is kwl and is in my english class. She is very funny and random. Brandy is just...well mad! Lauren S is kwl although i don't know her very well. But even so i still think she is wicked! Luv ya all!

Harri my elfpack friendly. She goes to my school but only started to really talk to her on here. She's kwl. Luv ya.

Saz and nikki (saz is on the left) Saz is very kwl. Met her in year 7 and been great friends with her since then. We just kinda clicked! She can be a bit of a boffin sometimes but thats kk cause she is so funny when she isn't being a bof. Luv ya loads hun!

laura and steph. (laura's on the left) Laura's kwl. She's in my maths and english classes and is kwl (when she's not busy being a boffin!) Steph is in my drama class and really fun to work with as well as talk to. We had fun in the drama workshop which is hard to beleave cause it was an exam :S! Luv ya both.

Andy on the right end. He is kewl and i met him at panto! he is pumkin the orginal cause his make up made him look so orange! He's really kwl and funny to talk to as well! I can trust him with anything.

My whole group of friends who hang out on the bar but not all of them are there. These are also the same people who hang out on the feild!

Random thing!!